Vantage Rock Quick Reference Guide
One view. All the best climbs on Sunshine Wall.
This one is for you rock climbers out there, paging through Mountain Project and trying to figure out which one is Air Guitar. Yeah, you. This is the tool you need to orient yourself alongside that online guidebook, or instead of it. The guide is a portable "vertical map" with 20+ inches of spread.
What's new in the latest version:
More portable - Double-sided pamphlet folds to a more convenient 8.5" x 6" instead of 10" x 10"
Redesigned colors and key for quick reference
What's there:
45 climbs labeled and graded
8 sub-areas labeled
Trails and mini-map to get you there
For the older version or larger prints up to mural size, see this product page or contact me.
All the best climbs
All of the most popular climbs on Sunshine Wall are visible here with YDS ratings and whether you'll be clippin' bolts, placing gear, or both.
From Chapstick (5.5 trad), to Red M&Ms (5.12a trad), to Ride 'em Cowboy (5.9+ sport), it's all here in enough detail to get oriented and recognize routes.
Trails, too
Find your way around - the most important trails and gullies are marked so you can navigate like a champ.
Bring Vantage Home
The poster or larger print makes a great wall decoration to remind you of your home away from home.
Close-up of part of the King Pins section of Sunshine Wall
Routes & Areas
Areas on the guide include:
Tilted Pillars: as the name suggests, these are a little off-kilter but provide some of the easiest terrain for beginning leaders
Jigsaw Wall: down below the main area of Sunshine Wall, there are some shorter climbs here
King Pins: some of the cleanest, longest climbs in Vantage are here. Practically every corner is named and every arete is bolted.
Coyote Wall: to the right of King Pins, this mostly peters out into a jumble of multi-tiered columns.
Twin Cracks: the first area that many climbers get to at Sunshine Wall, there's some solid stemming and cowboy riding to be done here.
Trails & Nearby Walls: Routes to get to nearby walls including Jigsaw Wall, Fat Man Wall, Riverview and Tomato are marked, as well as the gullies and dog filter.